She is a retired preschool teacher of sixteen years. She has been living and thriving with Systemic Lupus Erythematous for over twenty years in Little Rock, Arkansas.
A volunteer and a lupus advocate spreading lupus awareness near and far. She is a Lupus Warrior and a Lupus Champion boxing lupus 365 days a year acclaiming God as her victory being everything she needs and more!
Her first lupus symptoms began at age nine.
After being misdiagnosed for over twenty- five years and four hip surgeries later she received a diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematous while being hospitalized for two weeks with chronic pain, fever of an unknown origin ,chronic urticaria and fatigue.
She stated, “Finally having an answer was welcomed after so many years of unanswered questions.”

At age twenty -nine Antoinette was diagnosed with a vascular necrosis of both hips a condition she developed from chronic steroid usage for treatment of chronic inflammation and joint pain.
She received hip surgeries at age twenty -nine bilateral core drillings to relieve the pain that she was suffering. The surgeries were not successful ,at the age of thirty she received total hip replacements in both hips . Still not having a diagnosis of lupus she continued with steroids to gain some relief from all the inflammation, joint pain and rashes. She developed hypertension and steroid induced diabetes. By the mercy and grace of God he allowed her to return to work after rehabilitation.
In 2010 she started having more problems with her hips and was forced to retire from her teaching position. In 2014she was diagnosed with metallosis a condition that she developed from the metal on metal hip implants that she had received in 2000. In January 2014 Antoinette had her fifth hip surgery and turned 45 in the hospital and once again went through rehab. Thankful that God taught her to walk again she never misses an opportunity to tell others of the Lemonade that God has made and continues to make in her life!

he medications that she received for pain after the surgery caused a new condition gastroparesis it slowed down the process of digesting food, stomach pain and not allowing food to stay down she was now losing unwanted weight!
In 2019 during a horrible lupus flare she proclaimed that people with lupus can live and thrive. It is during this time that she created the Lupus Champions Facebook group A support group dedicated to spreading and promoting lupus awareness. In this group we are encouraging help ,hope, healing, positively inspiring words, inspirational stories, resources and more !
We Are Living And Thriving With Lupus
One year …
One month …
One week…
One day ….
One hour …
One minute…
And one second at a time 💜❤️🥊❤️
In 2023 Antoinette had an occipital lobe stroke affecting her vision ,balance and her cognitively. After being hospitalized doctors discovered that she has a pea size blockage in her brain.
“I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know who holds tomorrow”, she stated !
When Life Gives You Lemons Let God Make The Lemonade.
Busy 🐝
4 A’s Sisters Lupus Club