GM 🌎
4A’s Sisters Lupus Foundation would like to recognize
Yarcheka Burns as this week Lupus Warrior.

Yarcheka lives in Nashville, TN with her husband of 10 years and their 9 year old son.

She was diagnosed misdiagnosed with Lupoid Sclerosis in 2005 and was treated for both Lupus and MS for three years. After extensive testing and seeing several physicians it was discovered she had Lupus SLE and like so many later Fibromyalgia, Raynaund’s Syndrome, Connective Tissue Disease and Gastrointestinal Disease were added to the list.

Also struggled with hyperparathyroidism. The combination of these diseases often sends her body spiraling. Several body parts including her eyes have been impacted. Once went through a flare due to inflammation in her brain that left unable to walk for six weeks.

No one can face this type of pain and always be happy.

She encourages others to remember it’s okay to not be okay just don’t stay there! In those dark moments get you a song, book, slogan and of course much prayer to pull you through.

Yarcheka believes adding a friend to your village that has an autoimmune disorder is essential.

That allows you to speak to someone that walks a similar journey and understands your struggle. Finding a local support group has also helped her with having an outlet. She still work full-time which is not easy but, it does force her to refocus her energy.

So grateful for her support system. Yarcheka can’t give up there’s still more life to live!

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